EPHRIAM HOUSE, Inc. (EH) is here to help you turn your bright idea into an income-earning Christian Vocation. Far too many people with extraordinary gifts and talents are living in lack and struggling just to attain the bare minimum necessities of life. Many people, just like you, have amazing dreams and visions and just need a little help with understanding how to start and how to build. This is why we're here, to
people of faith with marketplace strategies!
Dr. Iria Loraine Abram is committed to restoring value to God's people through the Word of God and sound business strategies. She was born June 23, 1981 and was raised in South Central Los Angeles, CA by her mom, Mother Maggie Estell, and her father, Evangelist Iria Ephriam, Jr. They reared her and her siblings at First Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church in Compton, CA, which became the experience that shaped her faith traditions. In 1999 she moved to Atlanta, GA to begin college and she now resides in Riverdale, GA with her husband, Mr. Vincent Abram, and sons Isaac Michael Abram, Elisha Ephriam Abram and Caleb Vincent Abram.
Academically, she has earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Leadership and Administration, a Master of Arts degree in Christian Education, and a Doctorate of Ministry degree. Professionally, Iria is the founder of EPHRIAM HOUSE, Inc. (EH) (ephriamhouse.com). She had a gift for consulting and incorporated EH in 2005. In 2007 she was appointed to be the Director of Marketing for a major property development and management corporation. From this, she acquired much experience and knowledge, eventually building an intricate network of executives and businesses that allow her to function as a business broker for marketing and branding projects.
She is also a certified Life Coach with a niche for entrepreneurs in Christian vocation, and she authored Winning the Entrepreneur Shuffle: Building Blocks for New-preneurs (2018). Notably, Dr. Abram founded Yield! Youth Leadership Development (2011), the global academic society Sigma Gamma Theta | The Society of Women in Theology (2018), and mPWR The Empowerment Network (2020) a streaming television channel. Her personal mission is to be a bridge between the faith community and the startup ecosystem, helping kingdom-minded Christian visionaries to build and secure funding for their God-given dreams and passions.
Certified Coach | Dream Releaser Coaching 2018
Doctor of Ministry | Beulah Heights University 2016
Master of Arts in Christian Education | The Interdenominational Theological Center 2012
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership and Administration | Beulah Heights University 2009